Everyday Global Account
Simplify your life with an all-in-one multi currency account that meets your everyday banking needs.
Leave ATM and transaction fees behind at home and overseas (some ATM providers may charge a separate fee).
An Everyday Global Visa Debit Card, use your own money when shopping in-store, online and overseas.
Enjoy the simplicity of one account: use at home to deposit your salary and pay bills and use overseas to avoid the hassle of a separate travel card
Rates & Fees:
- $0 Monthly account fee
- $0 ATM withdrawals1
HSBC Foreign Currency Bonus Savings Account
Build your foreign currency savings with the benefit of easy access to your money via branch, phone, internet or mobile banking.
An HSBC Foreign Currency Bonus Savings Account is available in major currencies
No monthly account fee or minimum ongoing balance
Access competitive exchange rate quotes
Rates & Fees:
- $0 Monthly account fee
- $0 Phone banking fee
Foreign Currency Term Deposit Accounts
How does a Foreign Currency Term Deposit work? Your funds are in the foreign currency you choose and interest is earned for the fixed term.
Have the certainty of a fixed interest rate
An HSBC Foreign Currency Term Deposit is available in major foreign currencies including USD, HKD, GBP and CNY
Choose from a range of terms from 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 or 12 months
Rates & Fees:
- No establishment or ongoing fees