Keep your browser up to date
We take your security very seriously. In order to protect you and our systems, over the coming weeks, we are making changes to all HSBC websites which means some of the older browser versions will no longer be accessible on these sites. Generally, the latest versions of a browser (like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Apple Safari) and an operating system family (like Microsoft Windows, macOS) have the most up-to-date security features.
If you are not using recent browser versions, please upgrade your browser to the latest version via their websites or search online for advice on how to do this.

HSBC Safeguard
HSBC Safeguard is a series of related initiatives to better protect our customers from fraud and financial crime.

We protect our emails to you, so that you can be confident your banking experience with us is secure.

Online Banking security
Read how HSBC keeps your online banking secure and learn ways to protect yourself when banking online.

Fraud Assistance
Find out how to protect yourself against scams, frauds and financial abuse.