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International payments

Send money to and from Australia securely online, day or night

An easier, quicker way to send and receive money worldwide

Sending money internationally? Whether you're looking out for loved ones, paying bills or securing a new home, you can send money securely online, anytime, in a variety of currencies. Plus, we only use up-to-date exchange rates during market hours and don't hide any extra fees – so you get simple, low-fee payments every time.

Send money around the world

Make international payments to any bank 24/7 using online banking, with even faster payments when you're sending to a global HSBC account.

  • Send up to AUD50,000 (or the currency equivalent) per day (AUD100,000 if you're a Premier customer)
  • Send an unlimited amount from one of our branches
  • Set up regular or future overseas payments in online banking

Get fair and simple fees

Send money online for free to your HSBC Premier1 accounts and for as low as $0 to others.

  • As a Premier customer you can send money fee-free to any of your globally linked accounts with Global Transfer
  • Pay from $0 if it's going somewhere else, even to another bank
  • Competitive real-time FX rates2 on the major currencies

Know how much you're sending

Send money confidently online around the world, whenever you're sending it, with our live exchange rates.

  • Send money to over 150 different destinations
  • Make payments in your preferred currency and convert it with competitive real-time rates during market hours, so you know exactly how much you're sending and receiving
  • Unsure about the receiving bank's service charges? Add AUD30 to your transfer and we'll cover any additional fees.

Ready to send money overseas?

New to HSBC Australia?

Apply for an account with us to move money internationally

Looking to send money outside of Australia?

We can help explain the process and start your application.

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Move money between your HSBC accounts around the world securely and fee-free.


Send, store and receive up to 10 foreign currencies easily with our Everyday Global Account.

Additional Information

  1. Qualification criteria applies to gain and maintain access to HSBC Premier. Go to for more details.
  2. HSBC Real Time Exchange Rates will apply for AUD, USD, EUR, GBP, CNY, HKD, CAD, NZD, JPY, CHF, SGD, AED, DKK, MXN, NOK, SAR, SEK, THB and ZAR when using HSBC Online or Mobile Banking for transfer between HSBC Australia accounts and international transfers within currency cut-off times.

HSBC Real Time Exchange Rates will apply when the foreign exchange (FX) market is open. When the FX market is closed on weekends (that is from the US market closing time on Friday to the Asia market opening time on Monday), the HSBC real time exchange rate is priced off the exchange rate applying at the time the US market closed plus an additional weekend margin.

The HSBC Real Time Exchange Rate will not apply on currency holidays, on NSW and US public holidays, to transfers in currencies not listed above and to transfers outside of HSBC Australia entered after currency cut-off times. Instead, the HSBC Daily Exchange Rate, which is set and refreshed every 30 minutes daily from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM (excluding weekends and NSW public holidays) will apply.

For future dated transactions via HSBC Online or Mobile Banking, the HSBC Daily Exchange Rate on the future date of the transaction will apply.

HSBC Real Time Exchange Rates will apply for Global Transfers between your HSBC Accounts. For transfers in unsupported currencies using Global Transfers, the receiving country's daily exchange rate will apply and currency cut-off times of the receiving country may also apply. For future dated transactions using Global Transfers, the HSBC Real Time Exchange Rate on the future date of the transaction will apply when the FX market is open.