What is Chat?
Chat lets you instantly chat with us online, and get your banking questions answered. If you use Chat when you're logged on to online banking, you'll be able to ask specific questions about your account. And if you don't have time to finish the conversation, don't worry: you'll be able to pick up where you left off whenever you log on again.
Chat through our secured online banking and through our website is available 24/7 including public and bank holidays.
You can also chat with us on the go, using your mobile. Once you've logged on to the HSBC Mobile Banking app with your digital secure key, we'll be able to answer specific questions about your account. And if you don't have time to finish the conversation, don't worry: you’ll be able to pick up where you left off whenever you log on again.
Chat on the HSBC Mobile Banking App is available 24/7 including public and bank holidays.
If you haven't already downloaded the HSBC Mobile Banking App, it's secure, free and easy to use.
Introducing Kaya, our new chatbot
Have a simple banking question? Kaya can answer your question anytime, saving you from having to make a call or go into a branch. If the question is more complex, Kaya will let you know that it will be answered by the next available HSBC agent.
What is Live Share?
Live Share allows you to share your screen with an HSBC consultant in real-time so they can visually guide you through whatever problem you have and provide specific assistance. You can start a Live Share session when you're on the phone with us or using Chat. If you're logged on to online banking, we’ll be able to answer specific questions about your account.
Live Share is available 24/7, excluding public and bank holidays.
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Phone Banking
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Mobile Banking
Pay bills, transfer money and see your account balance on the go.

Branches and ATMs
Find your nearest branch or ATM.